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In December 2010 I adopted my first cat from the SPCA in Aylmer:  Saniel (called Sammie at the time), a six year old orange tabby.  I saw him in the Petsmart store on Merivale Road and we instantly connected.  Saniel is gentle, loving and devoted.  He settled into my home immediately and it is as if he has always lived here.  I had never had a cat as a pet before and now I see what I have been missing!





In August 2011 I adopted another cat from the SPCA:  Harvy, a five year old Russian blue.  Harvy is lively, playful and friendly—a little ray of sunshine.






It took about a month for “the boys” to get used to each other but all is well now and they are good company for me and for each other.







You would never know that both my cats had been in a shelter for several months.  They have been well cared for.  They are healthy, well-adjusted and full of spirit.







To all who read this:  consider adopting an older pet.  Older animals are settled and mature.  They know when they have been given a second chance and they are so grateful for it.






On behalf of Saniel, Harvy and me, thank you to all the staff and volunteers at the SPCA in Aylmer for your dedicated service to the animals in your care! 













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