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My husband and I adopted Bear (formerly known as Bart) a month ago.  What a little love bug!  He adores attention and being petted.  He and our first adopted dog Mika get along so well it's almost unbelievable.  They are like two peas in a pod ... and sleep side by side in their beds, often at the same angle!  I cannot imagine a better buddy for Mika. 





I'm happy to report Bear is now eating normally.  It took him some time to feel comfortable enough.  Poor guy, it's a big deal to change your family and routine.  He's done amazingly well though .... and he loves walking.  When both dogs are walking in sync, it's quite amazing.



Bear is also a great runner!  His recall is improving but he often runs out of our view and then appears behind us having run a whole big circle.  It seems that he does have some herding instincts.  It's funny to watch him spot all the cows and horses from the car while driving around.



He's such a sweetie ... everyone who meets him just loves him, even our two cats.  Mika seems pretty fond of him too.  They are at ease with each other and often play together in the back yard.  We are happy they have each
other.  And happy that we have them both!



Thanks to everyone at the shelter for your dedication to our furry friends out there.  And a special thank you to Jennifer who made the whole process quite comfortable and enjoyable!

Here are some great pics!





Update October '10 ...

Bear has had a busy two years.  He’s been the social butterfly around the neighbourhood, brightening everyone’s day during our walks.  He and his big sister Mika still get along great and sleep side by side. 




Last October, Bear and I took a 6 week long formal training course.  It was very challenging and we completed it successfully with an even closer bond with each other. 






In July, Bear had surgery to remove a harmless growth on his back hind leg.  He had to take it easy for a few weeks; although I know he missed his walks, he was as sweet as ever. 






And we made it up to him this October with his first trip to Cape Breton for two weeks.  He and Mika had a ball running up and down the beach and frolicking in the ocean. 





Bear is a sweet boy and a joy to have around.  I’m very grateful we found him.

Here are some pictures to add to the site!


Robyn and Duncan



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